Dishes provided an average of 1506 kJ/d (360 kcal/d) in children and you may 2218 kJ/d (530 kcal/d) from inside the teens

Dishes provided an average of 1506 kJ/d (360 kcal/d) in children and you may 2218 kJ/d (530 kcal/d) from inside the teens Standard snack habits Snacking try a prevalent actions in both a long time, having 95·2 % away from college students and you may 89·nine % out-of adolescents reporting at least one snack enjoy …

Dishes provided an average of 1506 kJ/d (360 kcal/d) in children and you may 2218 kJ/d (530 kcal/d) from inside the teens Read More »